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To thy own self drink true: Deciding what wines you like and why you like them

Courtesy of Danielle Joy Photography Friends and folks I hardly know often comment, “I don’t know anything about wine other than that I like it.” It’s the sort of confession that working in the wine world elicits from people. At the core of the confession is a sense of curiosity. I believe wine drinkers wish to understand why they like a certain wine. This level of self-knowledge empowers us around wine menus and aisles. Employing the Five S’s of wine tasting (See, Swirl, Smell, Sip, Savor (or Spit), doesn’t just allow you to evaluate a single wine you’re drinking, it is the ideal way to understand your overall wine preferences.  (written for the Los Altos Town Crier ) Plus, being wholly aware of your surroundings is the right way to experience life and wine. It’s sort of like taking a moment to notice the sunset before slipping into the waves for an evening ocean swim – that pause to appreciate the horizon makes the swim all the more exceptional. When you are next enjoying a glass, ma

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