You CAN judge a wine by its label... And spring party wine thoughts

(written for the Los Altos Town Crier)

They catch your eye from across the crowded store. Intrigued, you move closer to see what they’re all about. But somehow, the nearer you get to the wine section, the more confusing the process of selecting a bottle becomes.
Friends have told me that if they want a “good” wine, they will buy the most expensive bottle they can afford. But a fantastic wine doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
Knowing how to use the label to make your choice will give you the power to purchase using more than just price as your guide.
With the spring entertaining season off and running, wine-label wisdom will help you select a bottle you’d be proud to introduce to your mom’s Easter ham, serve for Passover brunch or even bring to a discerning boss’ spring barbecue.
For the rest of the story, head over to the Los Altos Town Crier.


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